Gender Equality

My Rant over the Gender Issue

August 19, 2020 Vedika Jain 0

If you are reading this, expecting another outburst over the injustice meted out to women for centuries, you may end up disappointed. We all are familiar with the usual war of the sexes. But while parroting the monotonous script, we […]

Gender Equality

Search for Gender Equality

August 18, 2020 Ria Gupta 10

I am a girl, with the truth in my eyes, Eyeing challenges, ready to earn the prize, But would I ever find, the truth in my voice, When I say that equality can be achieved, if gender were a choice? […]


A Mammoth of A Problem

August 18, 2020 Dheeraj Deshpande 0

Half a million years ago Somewhere in the northern tundra Enter Longtrunk and Curvytusk, the mammoths Longtrunk: “Ho there, Curvytusk! What up, dude? Are these times cool or what?” Curvytusk: “Oh yes, ice ages tend to be like that.” “Say, […]


Two Dreams

August 18, 2020 Prajwal Prakash 0

A father and son sit on the side of a road that once bore witness to a multitude of vehicles each second of each day, now it sits as destitute as they are. A woman looks at her hungry child, […]

Pride; not the perfect fit

August 18, 2020 Aathiya Bansal 0

I want to start this article by asking every single one of you a question. As an individual what is the one thing that you take pride in? It can be anything, maybe it’s your skills or maybe it’s your […]


Life under Lockdown

August 18, 2020 Haardik Juneja 0

Is this it? Is this what it was all culminating towards? Did we, as humankind, make our years worthwhile? Did we achieve anything? Was our run even about achieving? How long do I have to make something of it? All […]

To be her

To be Her

August 16, 2020 Haardik Juneja 0

She is here and Her life is in peril. Her life is at trial, She is the lawyer and the defendant, it is up to them if they want to let Her live or to end it. She is on […]