Remember when we were taught the topic ‘inequalities’ in mathematics during our formative years? The alligator mouth opened in the direction of the number that was the greatest in degree. Now as global citizens and future leaders, we started questioning the various norms, notions, and beliefs which our society creates and manifests. One of them is the dogmas of gender. In mathematical terms, in view of the present situation of our society, the degree of male power or superiority is far more in comparison to that of females and all the other non-binary genders (commonly known as the LGBTQ+). The alligator’s mouth, hence, opens undoubtedly to the side holding the male population. Using this fictitious example, I try to outline the current situation of gender inequality prevailing in our society.
Before sharing my candid opinion on this talking point, let us imagine ourselves to be among an adventitious population, as floral denizens of the Earth. The world is set against the backdrop of a lush and shadowy floral garden, which perhaps is the central hearth for all life possible on this planet. You are an exotic bloom among seven billion flowers, all of which are thriving in the garden. Each flower is a gift with immense potential, carefully nurtured by the upholder, evincing idiosyncratic quality traits. The flower bed radiates a spectrum of colors. The ‘Jardin de vie’, however, has a setback. The flowers in the ‘conservatory’ receive an ample amount of light to grow, while the others are denied the opportunity. Some flowers are randomly plucked, their petals are ripped apart. Prejudice and stereotype which are deeply-rooted impede the dwindling flowers from growing and proliferating. Through this analogy, I try to highlight the outcomes of such conservative, patriarchal mind-sets on the overall social setting.
Often women are sexually harassed, denied equal educational and job opportunities, refrained from choosing their career path; they are forced to agree with what the men of the house preach. Consequently, professions become male-dominant and disciplines get gendered. They often face social stigma and their ability to be financially independent is stymied; they have poor health conditions due to lack of adequate nutrition and are seldom given equal credit for their productive contribution in any sector of the economy(for e.g. the glass ceiling in the corporate world). They are also denied reservation in central legislative bodies. Men and women are two sides of the same coin, without which a society cannot procreate. The head always leads, the tail follows. Metaphorically, the side of the coin that leads is man, and the one that follows/obeys is a woman. Development is a blanket solution for combating gender inequalities since such measures disregard the social relationships perpetuating them. Feminism movements and many feminist writers like Virginia Woolf and Adrienne Rich have helped make significant changes in society by winning the right to vote and getting more job opportunities. However, many pseudo-feminists often play the woman card to victimize men in the name of patriarchy.
Terms like ‘Feminism’ and ‘Equality’ which are used by influencers in defense of how women sometimes misuse the laws made for protecting them are also an outcome of heteropatriarchy. Perversion of such terms has resulted in widening the divides between men and women. ‘Meninists’ often bring up their issues when we talk about sensitive issues like rape since men rapes are often disregarded. Claims raised by the MRM (like ‘Men are oppressed too’) are often shunned by pseudo-feminists. Patriarchy has posed a disadvantage for men since they are forced to conform to forms of hyper-masculinity to fit in society. Men activists state that feminists have ‘feminized’ the society and claim that women are the true power holders. People active in the ‘manosphere’, view women’s movement as a plot to intentionally conceal discrimination against men to victimize them to promote gynocentrism. They often believe that feminazis are causing more harm than good.
Unfortunately, we’ve started considering gender equality as a conflict between two opposing ideals. Such forms of bigotry will only divide society. The third side of the coin (which is often unseen) i.e. the non-binary genders, who face the maximum discrimination from both men and women, formed a united front to fight against such toxic stereotypes. Years of the patriarchal rule has oppressed men, women, and genderqueer. It’s high time we develop a higher understanding of social relations and perceive each sex as an individual being who deserves equal opportunities to grow and prove its worth. We shall clear our misconceptions about certain terms by gaining knowledge and strive towards making gender-neutral laws and an equitable society so that every flower gets equal space to bloom. Achieving Gender Parity is one of the sustainable development goals. It will take 108 years to be achieved (according to WEF reports). Can the world afford to wait that long to build a sustainably-developed and healthy environment for posterity?
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