I was five or six years old when I noticed near a toy shop,
a pretty girl lagging forlornly far behind her mom and dad
while her brother and parents not bothered did not stop.
I was affected by the girl’s expression, so wistful and sad!
Young though I was, I could sense something was amiss
Believing in fairy tales, I speculated if she was a step child;
Throughout the night, this uneasy question I could not dismiss
Why the parents had bothered only about the son by their side?
I taxed my parents with this vexing question the next day
Dad’s face changed and he looked disturbed by my query;
But hurriedly he changed the subject and had to only say
“We love you, poppet and you are the princess of our story.”
This little girl grew up and the sad face of the other girl receded
into a misty memory till images of more such girls took its place;
To my horror, I realized that many people and parents acceded
that boys and girls are unequal as if they are of a different race.
As a teenager, I have seen cases of gender bias in real life
In many homes, the males are pampered and praised;
Playing a second fiddle to them is always a daughter or a wife
Why oh why only upbringing of girls is doubted or appraised?
More often than not, there is typecasting of girls and boys
From grandparents to parents to kids, these stereotypes abound;
‘Girls cry”, ”Girls play with dolls”, “Real boys like car toys”
There are many more such jaundiced comments doing the rounds.
Isn’t it true that our civilized society reeks of blatant hypocrisy?
Boys can party, drink, squander money and satisfy their need;
while girls stay at home, save money and act with delicacy
They are told that they only have to marry, cook and breed.
The real tragedy underpinning Gender Bias is its rippling effect
Young boys who are favoured thus over their sisters and mothers;
Grow up into dominating men who show women scant respect
It is an open secret they think they are superior to others!
Always blaming men for this discrimination has to end
That women ill-treat women is an ironical cause of shame;
True it is, women are women’s worst foe than a friend
Females fawn over sons but daughter-in-laws they burn or blame.
Sadly many women too believe that they are frail and meek
They compel and coerce their daughters to think the same way;
But women have progressed and proved they are not weak
They have discovered their power which is here to stay.
Salute to Women Empowerment and women of quiet grit
who’ve struggled against injustice and fought for many rights;
Storming into male citadels, they have proved their merit
while withstanding sexual harassment and sexist slights!
Liberal thinking men too have championed the cause of Equality
Also 21st century has brought in greater respect of all genders;
But bear in mind that Gender Equality is everyone’s Responsibility
You, me and all in the society have to be unbiased defenders.
Men and women and all other genders from every community
must learn to live, cooperate and work shoulders to shoulders;
Create a New World Order of peace, harmony and unity
where men, women and other genders are its ethical upholders.
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